The Clan Chattan is not a Clan in the usual sense.
It is a group of Highland Clans which originally acted together for mutual security whilst at the same time maintaining their independence.
The Clan Chattan Association is a unique society formed by and still supported by chiefs of the Principal Clans. It has a worldwide membership and is based in Scotland. The individual Clans are represented on the council of Clan Chattan by the Chiefs who are President and Vice Presidents.

Clan MacPherson – Important notice
Unusually this year, the Clan Chattan and the Clan Macpherson Annual Gatherings run consecutively rather…

Chiefs (who are President and Vice Presidents)
- James Brodie Macpherson of Cluny (Vice President)
- Andrew MacThomas of Finegand (Vice President)
- Philip Farquharson (Vice President)
- Grant Guthrie Davidson of Davidston (Vice President)
- John Mackintosh of Mackintosh (President)
- Richard McBain of McBain(Vice President)
- Iain Shaw of Tordarroch (Vice President)
- The Very Rev. Allan Maclean of Dochgarroch (Vice President)