The Clan Chattan is not a Clan in the usual sense.
It is a group of Highland Clans which originally acted together for mutual security whilst at the same time maintaining their independence.
The Clan Chattan Association is a unique society formed by and still supported by chiefs of the Principal Clans. It has a worldwide membership and is based in Scotland. The individual Clans are represented on the council of Clan Chattan by the Chiefs who are President and Vice Presidents.

Chiefs (who are President and Vice Presidents)
- James Brodie Macpherson of Cluny (Vice President)
- Andrew MacThomas of Finegand (Vice President)
- Philip Farquharson (Vice President)
- Grant Guthrie Davidson of Davidston (Vice President)
- John Mackintosh of Mackintosh (President)
- Richard McBain of McBain(Vice President)
- Iain Shaw of Tordarroch (Vice President)
- The Very Rev. Allan Maclean of Dochgarroch (Vice President)