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Clan Chattan Coat of Arms

In 2019 a decision was made by The Clan Chattan Association Council to have our own Coat of Arms.

Norman McPherson, who had some experience of heraldry and his own coat of arms, volunteered to come up with some design ideas for discussion.

First and fore most we wanted to incorporate images and symbols relevant to our Association. After weeks of discussion a design was agreed upon, and an image was produced by professional heraldic painter Kevin Greig. The symbols incorporated included Scottish Wildcats, whortleberry, boxwood, and the original wildcat image (which has adorned the Journal  since 1933), the motto ‘Together, Stronger’ in Gaelic. A ‘Petition of Arms’ was sent along with the final image, to the Lord Lyons Office, which was subsequently approved.

The Lyon Court assigned an artist, and working from the letters patent, produced their interpretation of it. This interpretation does differ from Kevin Greigs’ original image which is the one we will be using in the future.

Extract from The Letters Patent:

Videlicet:  – Or, a chevron Vert between in chief two Scottish wildcat faces affrontée all Proper and in base a lymphad Proper, sails furled Argent,  flags and pennon Vert, Above the Shield is placed an Helm suitable to an Incorporation, videlicit:- a sallet Proper lined Gules, with a mantling Vert doubled Or, and on a wreath of the Liveries is set for Crest on a mound Vert between a sprig of boxwood and a sprig of whortleberry a Scottish wildcat couchant reguardant all Proper and in an Escrol over the same this Motto “COMHLA NAS LAIDIRE”. 

Due to the covid outbreak and the vagaries of lockdown rules our Coat of Arms was not completed until mid 2022. In August 2022 at our AGM in Inverness the Lord Lyon, King of Arms for Scotland, presented the letters of Patent to John Mackintosh of Mackintosh, President of the Clan Chattan Association.

The original document will be kept safely at the Highland Archive Centre in Inverness. This document was photographed in it’s original size and framed. The framed copy is also currently at the Archive Centre.

Sadly, Norman McPherson died in November 2020 and was not able to see the completion of his dedicated work.