Clann Phail

The MacPhails are of the old Clan Chattan and most likely descend from a Paul Cattanach of Lochaber, in the western Highlands near the present Fort William. MacPhail means “The son of Paul”. Originally the MacPhails had a stronghold until 1291 at Fassifern, which is about ten miles west of Fort William.
Motto: “Memor Esto” Be Mindfull
Clan Badge: Red Whortleberry
Septs: MacPhail, MacPheal, MacPhaile, MacPhayll, McFall, MacFall, McFaul, McFell.

Clann Dhaibhidh
Chief: Grant Guthrie Davidson

The Clan Davidson [also known as Clan Dhai], is descended from David Dubh, possibly a son of one of the early Chattan chiefs. The Davidsons feature in the 14th century when they sought the protection of Clan Chattan, after the downfall of the Comyn family.
Motto: Sapienter Si Sincere (Wisely if Sincerely)
Clan Badge: Red Whortleberry
Septs: Davie, Davis, Dawson, Dow, MacDade, Macdaid, MacDavid, Kay.

Clann Fhionnlaigh
Chief: Philip Farquharson

A Farquhar Shaw, the 4th son of Alexander 3rd, Shaw of Rothiemurchus, was the ancestor of Clan Farquharson. His son married the heiress of Invercauld and the Clan gained its lands on Deeside. Its most famous Chief was Finla Mor who consolidated the Clan and who carried the Royal Standard at the Battle of Pinkie in 1547.
Motto: Fide et Fortitudine (By Faith and Fortitude)
Clan Badge: Scots Fir
Septs: Coutts, Farquhar, Findlay, Findlayson, Finlay, Finlayson, Grevsach, Hardie, Hardy, Lays, Lyon, MacCaig, MacCardney, MacEaracher, MacFarquhar, MacGruaig, MacHardie, MacKerchar, MacKerracher, MacKinlay, Patterson, Reach, Riach.

Clan MacThomas
Chief: Andrew P.C. MacThomas of Finegand

The Clan takes it’s name from Thomas, known in Gaelic as Tomaidh Mor (big Tommy) who was a descendant of the Clan Chattan Mackintoshes, his Grandfather being a son of William 8th Chief of Clan Chattan. Thomas lived in the 15th century at a time when the Clan Chattan Confederation was becoming large and unmanageable and so he took his kinsmen and followers across the Grampians from Badenoch to Glenshee where they settled and flourished being known as McComie, McColm and MacComas.
Motto: I shall overcome envy with God’s help
Clan Badge: Snowberry
Septs: Comb, Combie, McColm, McComas, McComb, McCombie, McComie, McComish, Macomie, MacOmie, MacOmish, Macthomas, Tam, Thom, Thomas, Thoms, Thomson.

MacIntyres in Badenoch

MacIntyre means ‘son of the carpenter’ so there are many families with the name in the Highlands.
The Clan Chattan MacIntyres appear to have been based in Badenoch and early records suggest that a Mackintosh chief took a MacIntyre bard, the family’s progenitor, under his protection in 1496.
The Clan Chattan MacIntyres appear to have been based in Badenoch and early records suggest that a Mackintosh chief took a MacIntyre bard, the family’s progenitor, under his protection in 1496.
Motto: Per Ardua (through adversity)
Clan Badge: White Heather

Clan Mhuirich– Guardians of the Crossroads
Chief: James Brodie Macpherson of Cluny

Muriach Cattenach, the one time lay Parson of Kingussie, was followed by three grandsons who formed the “ Posterity of the The Three Brethren” the progenitors of the Clan Macpherson , who occupied an important and sometimes independent position in the Highlands.
Motto: Touch not the cat bot a glove
Clan Badge: White Heather
Septs: Archibald, Carson, Cattanach, Clark, Clarke, Clarkson, Clerk, Clooney, Clunie, Currie, Ellis, Fersen, Gillespie, Gillies, Gow, Gowan, Keith, Lees, MacChlerich, MacChlery, MacCurrach, MacGowan, MacKeith, MacLees, MacLeish, Maclerie, MacLise, MacMurdo, MacMurdoch, MacMurrich, MacVurrich, Murdo, Murdoch, Murdoson, Parson, Pearson, Smith.

Clann Bheathain
Chief: Richard McBain of McBain

The progenitors of Clan MacBean came from Lochaber to Petty in the 14th century, seeking the protection of the Mackintoshes, having slain the Red Comyn’s steward.
Although its numbers were heavily depleted at the Battle of Harlaw in 1411, the Clan remained an active member of the Confederation.
Although its numbers were heavily depleted at the Battle of Harlaw in 1411, the Clan remained an active member of the Confederation.
Motto: Touch not a catt bot a targe
Clan Badge: Red Whortleberry
Septs: Bain, Bean, McBain, MacBean, McBeath, MacBeth, Macilvian and MacVean.

Clann Ghillebhraith
Commander: Iain D. MacGillivray

A Clan of great antiquity which originated in the west, they were the first ‘not of the blood’ in Clan Chattan, having sought protection of the Mackintosh in 1268.
Motto: Touch Not this Cat
Clan Badge: Red Whortleberry
Septs: Gilroy, MacGillivoor, MacGilroy, MacGilvra, Macgilvray, Macilroy, Macilvrae.

Macleans of the North
Clann Thearlaich
Chief: Very Rev. Allan Maclean of Dochgarroch

The Macleans of Dochgarroch are the Chiefs of Clan Tearlach, the ‘Macleans of the North’, named from Tearlach [Charles] Maclean, eldest son of Hector Maclean, 1st of Lochbuie, brother of Lachlan Maclean, 1st of Duart.
Motto: Virtue mine Honour
Clan Badge: Crowberry or Holly
Septs: Auchaneson, Gillan, Gillon, Gilzean, Lane, Lean, MacEachan, Maclaine, McLean.

Clann An Toisich
Chief: John L. Mackintosh of Mackintosh BA (Hons)

Shaw Macduff, son of the Earl of Fife, was appointed keeper of the Royal Castle of Inverness around 1163 and received lands at Petty and in Strathdearn. He took the name Mac an Toiseach – The son of Thane (a noble acting as an official of the crown). The connection with Clan Chattan began in 1291 through the marriage of Eva and Angus and, for almost 650 years, the Chief of Clan Mackintosh was also the Captain of Clan Chattan.
Motto: Touch not the Cat bot a glove
Clan Badge: Red Whortleberry
Septs: Adamson, Ayson, Aysons of N.Z., Clark, Clarke, Clarkson, Clerk, Crerar, Dallas, Elder, Esson, Glen, Glennie, Gollan, Heggie, Hardie, Hardy, MacAndrew, MacAy, MacCardney, MacClerich, MacChiery, McConchy, Macglashan, Machardie, Machardy, Machay, Mackeggie, MacKillican, MacLerie, MacNiven, MacRitchie, Niven, Noble, Ritchie, Tarrill, Tosh and Toshach.

Clan Macqueen
Clann Shuibhne or Clann Reven

The Macqueens of Clan Chattan are a small branch of an ancient Skye Clan. They became members in the 15th Century after the marriage of Mora Macdonald of Moidart with Calum Beg Mackintosh, 10th of Mackintosh.
Motto: Constant and Faithful
Clan Badge: Boxwood
Septs: MacCunn, MacSwan, MacSween, MacSwen, MacSwyde, Swan.

Clann Ay
Chief: Iain Shaw of Tordarroch

With a common stem that goes back to the Earls of Fife, the history of the Shaws and the Mackintoshes is as deeply interwoven as the tartans they wear.
The word Shaw is a corrupt Anglicised rendering of part of the ancient Gaelic style Toiseachmeaning first, foremost or leader, and is still the name given to the premier of Eire.
The word Shaw is a corrupt Anglicised rendering of part of the ancient Gaelic style Toiseachmeaning first, foremost or leader, and is still the name given to the premier of Eire.
Motto: Fide et fortitudine (by fidelity and fortitude)
Clan Badge: Red Whortleberry
Septs: Ayson (N.Z.), Adamson, Esson, MacAy, MacHay, Shiach, Sheach, Sheath, Seith, Seth, Skaith, Scaith.